Posts in Light
Your Home and Vitamin D – Why You Are Probably NOT Getting Enough

In building biology, the focus is to create a space to help the body grow and function optimally—as Nature’s laws dictate, not just function. As a building biologist and mother, I have become increasingly impressed and fascinated by the role of vitamin D in creating optimal health. 

I decided to write this article to share how we can increase your Vitamin D levels despite many of us living indoor lifestyles, essentially having to be indoors much of the time. You will see how your home or work environment can be changed to naturally raise Vitamin D levels.

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EMFs and Birth (And a Personal Story): A Calm EMF-Environment for a Safe, Healthy Pregnancy

A calm EMF environment lays the groundwork for health conception and pregnancy. All of our biological systems are electrical. Our hearts and brains are regulated by internal bioelectrical signals, for example. Any environmental exposure to artificial EMFs can interact with fundamental biological processes in the human body. Eliminating artificial EMFs is top priority before, during, and after pregnancy as the baby develops.

This is especially important as pregnancy and birth is also a mental game.

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Are you living under junk light?

Our body’s master clock, or the SCN (suprachiasmatic nuclei), directly responds to light, and is the reason why we have sleep-wake cycles that are determined by light exposure. Artificial light disrupts this clock and its circadian rhythms, which may contribute to chronic insomnia, as well as other chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and cancer. Under the wrong light, your body is confused about what to do when and starts doing them at the wrong time.

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Lightm cLight, SleepComment
Building Biology and Bau-Biologie: A quick history

Germany, along with many European nations, was left in ruins after World War II. In the subsequent years as it rapidly rebuilt its economy and infrastructure, it saw the growth of over industrialised and overpopulated cities and towns.

People also began to notice strange illnesses after the World War. One of these was a doctor named Hubert Palm. He noticed a pattern between the ailments his patients were coming in with and their living in housing built post WWII using the new “chemically enhanced” technologies.

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